Wednesday, August 31, 2005

~ouh yar forgot to say something~
~met up my PEETSIES!!!!~
~awwww, love em sooo much~
~remembered those old times, haha..~

a ToUcH sO FiNe
darkness falls @ 10:50 PM

~yesterday, i went to eat sushi with liana~
~den after dat, we were supposed to go to starbucks actually, to study for my test and liana has to study for her o's~
~luckily, we cancelled the plan to go to starbucks and headed for sunplaza to go get my contacts~
~well, after that heavy meal, i had a terrible stomache pain...~
~it wasn't directly at the stomache was like above the stomache..~
~with the afternoon heat and stuff like dat, it had just made things worst..~
~when we were taking the train back from sembawang, i almost blacked out~
~my vision suddenly turned yellow and black...dat's all i could see...~
~but luckily, nothing bad happened..i didn't faint halfway or anithing like dat..~
~well, i do get this kind of pain often but i guess yesterday was the worst one ever~
~the pain was like never ending~
~so, i went to the clinic, and the doctor said :" gastric "~
~i dun get it, i've been eating...~
~maybe, not on proper timing..~
~well, was given an mc..for today~
~i was so tempted to use it..~
~i didn't feel like sitting for the test at all..~
~but den again, the faster i sat for it, the faster i'll get over it... ryte??~
~hmms, so, i studied a little, hoping to store as much information as i can..~
~erm, however, i think i wrote alot of crap this morning~
~wadever it is, it's over now and i can't undo anything~
~well, after the test, i went back to my secondary school..~
~met up with my cousins there as well...~
~it's really nice to get to see dem after like a very long time...~
~we will be meeting again though this saturday and cousin's wedding~
~aniway, bad news.... my one of my cousin, who is like a year younger den me has given birth to a baby gerl..~
~and the worst part is dat....nobody else in my family noes bout it...~
~i guess my unncle's like really damn disappointed as well~
~i wonder what had came to her mind~
~whatever it is, i hope she's okay...and hope she'll be able to take good care of her child~
~erm...ouh yar, met quite alot of ppl just now... and someone sooo caught my eye..~
~haha, i mean, in terms of looks...~
~he's really really damn cute now...haha~
~okay okay, i should end here~
~ouh yar...saw pizzey too~
~still the same old him i guess...just wish dat he'll cut his hair...hehe:p

a ToUcH sO FiNe
darkness falls @ 10:25 PM

Sunday, August 28, 2005

~ouh god...foz asked me to be his gerl dat day..~
~die....i dun want to patch up...~
~i noe he is a nice guy and all dat...and i noe, he's been waiting for me for like 4 years now..(i'm really touched by that)~
~but...arghh!!!! i just can't!!~
~i wonder if he actually remembers all the bad things i did to him last tyme..~
~its like i've broke his heart too many times before..~
~doesn't he feel hurt? doesn't he feel tempted to ever say "fuck off waney!"????~
~why?? why doesn't he??~
~ouh god....please please help him move on in life...~
~please let him meet a gerl who could shower him with all the love anyone could ever give~
~why must he keep on loving someone like me??~
~ouh god, why must you keep hurting him... just let him get over me...~
~i dun care if i'm the one hurting instead ...just make him move on....~
~i dun noe wad to say to him whenever he calls and asks me for an answer..~
~i dun noe how to disappoint him in a nice way anymore..~
~sometimes i just feel like telling him that i hate him...that i never want to have anything to do with him anymore...~
~maybe that way, he will learn to hate me and finally get over me....~
~but i can't possibly bring myself to say the same tyme, i dun want him to keep living in his empty dreams...~
~maybe i should just shut up...act blur??~
~i'll just see wad happens next...~

a ToUcH sO FiNe
darkness falls @ 1:12 AM

Sunday, August 21, 2005

~long time since i last blogged~
~well, everything's going on as per normal i suppose...except for one or two things which are making me go bonkers~
~but, nah...guess it'll pass soon enough~
~well, it always does~
~erm, i am currently shall i put it?...happy? scared? excited? confused?..~
~u see, everything's so mixed up actually..but more of a good way~
~i am happy mostly, but i guess there are ppl out there who's not too glad with this fact~
~ppl i'm really close to....and dats sad to noe...~
~and i guess there will be a few ppl whom i'm gonna end up hurting due to my so called happiness..~
~or maybe, i'll end up hurt...?~
~which one, not too sure yet for now...i hope it doesn't go both ways~

a ToUcH sO FiNe
darkness falls @ 11:31 PM

Tuesday, August 02, 2005

~i am finally officially 17~
~not 16+ any more~
~haha....this year, i kinda love my berfday celebration~
~wasn't as grand but, it's the most memorable one...~
~hmms, also the cutest one i must say..~
~ferstly, i am damn touched by most of my old friends...those that i've once known and i thought have already lost contact~
~it was sweet of dem all to sent me berfday wishes thru sms...~
~it really made my day~
~den, i was touched by my school friends...~
~it wasn't a big celebration, but a really tiny one...they sang me a berfday song in the school fast food canteen, accompanied by 2 slices of cake, one strawberry, the other chocolate and a chocolate brownie...~
~haha, cute ryte.....usually, ppl celebrate with huge cakes and lots of candles on it, but, i guess, the smaller ur cakes are, the more hommie feeling u get....(according to wad i feel)~
~message to my dear classmates (if u guys are reading this): thanks to all of u...
initially, when i came into this course and into group 8, i regretted going to nyp. i was the only malay in class and i thought i was going to suffer all alone... afraid of the fact that i might feel left out most of the tyme. but, as tyme passes and we all got closer..u guys actually proved me wrong. me being malay and u guys being chinese does not stand as a barrier between our friendship....thanks for being there guys..i LOVE GROUP 8!! haha..~
~okay now, aniway, back to my blogging..~
~erm, ouh yar, i decided that this year, i dun want to celebrate my berfday in some restaurant or chalet~
~i wanted it to be simple, decided to have a small celebration at my granny's place~
~furthermore, since school started, i've not visited my grandparents... and, i miss them alot..~
~so, we did as i planned...and i am very happy dat everything turned out well..~
~today itself, i realised that berfdays dun mean receiving lots of presents and wad not...but its the thought dat counts.~
~realised dat i feel much more happier with much more ppl around me as compared to many presents around me...~
~also realised dat it feels much better to have all my family members- granny, granddad, aunties, uncles around ...laughing off at jokes while having a simple dinner rather den sitting upryte in a classy restaurant, waiting quietly for the food, eating it slowly and den go home...~

a ToUcH sO FiNe
darkness falls @ 10:49 PM
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